Fear is a Lousy Compass...

Here’s How to Steer Your Creative Journey

Hey Reader

Fear is a lousy compass.

I recently did a BIG move. Yep, from NJ to Nashville, TN.

I spent some time journaling and reflecting recently, and I couldn’t help but think about all the interactions I’ve had with people during my move. I’m incredibly grateful for the support and well-wishes as I embark on this new chapter.

As creators, we have the power to create—and sometimes, to recreate. Even a finger dipped in ashes can become a tool to craft a work of art. But creating isn’t limited to art or artistic pursuits; it’s about creating the life you want to live.

In my recent conversations, three themes kept surfacing:

  1. “You did it!” When people say, “You actually moved!” they’re often expressing amazement because many people talk about making big changes but fall short of taking action. For me, when I say I’m going to do something, I do it. It may take longer than expected, and I might have to navigate unexpected challenges, but I follow through. Whether you call it commitment or stubbornness, when leveraged for good, it’s a powerful force.
  2. Living Vicariously Some conversations revealed a sense of people living vicariously through my actions. If you’ve ever felt this way, let me say this: if you want to change something in your life, go for it. Yes, it’s scary. But the more we practice doing things despite fear, the more we’ll take the necessary actions to achieve what we truly want.
  3. It’s Never Too Late We have one magnificent life, and it’s up to us what we do with it. Personally, I want to know that I tried—even if I fail. I’d rather live fully alive today than defer my dreams for another day.

I used to let fear guide me, thinking that being “cautious” was a badge of honor. I always wanted a sure thing, believing it would protect me from getting hurt or disappointed. But when that strategy led to hurt and disappointment anyway, I realized I had to get more comfortable with risk. As the saying goes, “No risk, no reward.” I found out fear is a lousy compass.

If any of my recent actions are stirring something within you, take action today, no matter how small it may seem. Here are a few steps you can take to push past fear and start creating the life you want:

  • Acknowledge Your Fear: Recognize that fear is there, but don’t let it paralyze you. Understand that it’s normal to feel fear when stepping into the unknown.
  • Take a Small Step: You don’t have to make a giant leap. Start small—make a call, jot down an idea, or take that first step toward your goal. Momentum builds with every action.
  • Listen to Your Inner Voice: Those internal prompts are there for a reason. The more we ignore them, the harder they become to hear over time. Trust yourself and take action.

Remember, you have the power to create—and recreate—the life you want.

Now, go create something,

~ Mike Brennan

P.S. What are you afraid of?

The Daily Creative Habit Guided Creativity Journal

This 90-day guided creative journal offers a simple, but powerful method to establish a more consistent creative practice in your life. A Daily Creative Habit!


Begin to ask yourself these questions every day as a part of your daily creating rhythms:

1. What did I create today?

2. What did I learn?

3. What can I celebrate?


MONDAY: Design your own superhero with unique powers and a specific fear. What is their origin story?

TUESDAY: Create a logo for a fictional company that represents your dream job.

WEDNESDAY: Illustrate an abstract concept like time, memory, or fear using mixed media.

THURSDAY: Write a short story that begins with the sentence, "It all started with a single word..."


Compose a short poem inspired by a place you've never been but always wanted to visit.


Reignite Your Creative Spark and Fuel Business Growth at The Thing Orlando

Are you a creative entrepreneur seeking to propel your business forward? The Thing Orlando is the premier business conference designed to empower you on your journey.

Every decision shapes your success. The Thing Orlando provides an invaluable opportunity to surround yourself with a supportive and inspiring community, fostering connections and igniting fresh perspectives.

Here's what awaits you at The Thing Orlando:

  • Engaging and Insightful Sessions: Gain actionable strategies and real-world insights from industry leaders.
  • Strategic Networking Opportunities: Connect with influential entrepreneurs and build meaningful relationships that propel your business forward.
  • Practical Growth Tactics: Discover proven strategies to boost revenue and achieve sustainable growth.

This conference isn't just transformative, it's an investment. It's the catalyst that can unlock your full potential and propel you towards achieving your business goals.

Join me at The Thing Orlando, November 8th-10th at the Wyndham Disney Springs! I'll be there presenting and offering live event sketching, capturing the essence of the conference in real-time.

Reserve your spot today (use code "Creative" for a 10% discount!) and embark on a journey of growth alongside a community of like-minded professionals.

Don't miss this chance to elevate your business and achieve remarkable results.

See you there!

"To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong."
~ J Pearce

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Daily Creative Habit

Are you a passionate Creator seeking inspiration, innovation, and consistency? Dive into a world where creativity, fun, and productivity intersect! Explore the joy of creativity and fun that can elevate your creations, and bring you results through actionable steps. Join the community at The Daily Creative Habit newsletter, where creators like you thrive. It’s packed with daily creative prompts, valuable resources, and inspiring content to enhance your craft. Also, discover your unique Creative Archetype with our bonus quiz. Let’s make fun and creativity not just a habit, but a way of life!

Read more from Daily Creative Habit
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