3 Ways You Might Be Killing Your Creativity

(without even realizing it.)

Hey Reader

Ever feel that creative spark fizzle out before you even grab your tools? Yeah, me too.

The pressure to create amazing things can be intense. But the truth is, sometimes the biggest roadblocks are internal – little voices in our heads that hold us back before we even begin.

Let's talk about three sneaky saboteurs that can kill your creativity:

Creative Saboteur #1: The Gatekeeper of Permission

This inner critic loves demanding official approval before you get started. They might whisper things like, "Wait, are you qualified for this?" or "Maybe someone else should do it." Here's the truth: You are enough. Your creativity deserves to be explored, so silence that gatekeeper and declare, "I'm giving myself permission to create!"

Creative Saboteur #2: The Comparison Critic

We all love a good compliment, but constantly comparing your work to others is a recipe for discouragement. Remember, your creative journey is unique. Embrace the process of discovery, even if you're still figuring out your style. Everyone starts somewhere! Focus on your own growth and celebrate your progress. ✨

Creative Saboteur #3: The Perfectionist Procrastinator

This voice whispers things like, "It won't be good enough," or "You need more practice before you share it." Perfectionism keeps you stuck, preventing you from creating anything at all. Here's how to fight back: Show up and create anyway! Perfection is a myth. Embrace the "messy middle" of the creative process. The world needs your unique voice, even with its imperfections.

Ready to banish these creativity saboteurs and unleash your inner creator? Here's your action plan:

  1. Pick a project (any project!) Don't overthink it - just start creating.
  2. Set a timer for 15 minutes. Work on your project without judgment.
  3. Share (if you dare!) Post it online with a supportive group or a trusted friend.
  4. Repeat! Schedule regular creative time and celebrate your progress.

Remember Reader, your creativity matters. Don't let these creative saboteurs hold you back! Now go create something!

With a fist pump and a sprinkle of inspiration,

~ Mike Brennan

P.S. Which of these saboteurs do you struggle with most?

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Begin to ask yourself these questions every day as a part of your daily creating rhythms:

1. What did I create today?

2. What did I learn?

3. What can I celebrate?


MONDAY: Illustrate a futuristic cityscape.

TUESDAY: Create a short play or theater piece that incorporates elements of your favorite genre or style.

WEDNESDAY: Make a sculpture using only natural materials, such as stones, sticks, or leaves.

THURSDAY: Paint a landscape from a place you have visited or would like to visit, using only pastel colors.


Create a new, futuristic sport and describe how it is played.

Want to Work With Me?

Here are a few ways:

"All things are created twice; first mentally; then physically. The key to creativity is to begin with the end in mind, with a vision and a blue print of the desired result."
~ Stephen R. Covey

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Daily Creative Habit

Are you a passionate Creator seeking inspiration, innovation, and consistency? Dive into a world where creativity, fun, and productivity intersect! Explore the joy of creativity and fun that can elevate your creations, and bring you results through actionable steps. Join the community at The Daily Creative Habit newsletter, where creators like you thrive. It’s packed with daily creative prompts, valuable resources, and inspiring content to enhance your craft. Also, discover your unique Creative Archetype with our bonus quiz. Let’s make fun and creativity not just a habit, but a way of life!

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