Feeling Like a Fraud?

Time to Kick That to the Curb!

Hey Reader

Ever get the feeling that you’re just faking it and someone’s going to call you out?

Yep, that’s imposter syndrome, and it’s a real jerk. (Seriously, who invited it?) But don’t worry, we’re going to talks some antidotes.

Here are five ways to tell imposter syndrome where to stick it:

  1. Name and Shame Call out imposter syndrome when it shows up. (Hello, negativity, my old frenemy.) Just acknowledging it can help deflate its power.
  2. Track Your Wins Keep a list of all the awesome creative stuff you’ve done. (Yeah, even that time you fixed the printer.) Look at it whenever you start doubting yourself. You’re more capable than you think!
  3. Buddy System Share your feelings with a trusted creative buddy. (No, your cat doesn’t count, even if they’re a great listener.) Talking it out can make it less scary and more manageable.
  4. Set Micro Goals Break your tasks into tiny, achievable goals. (No, “becoming Picasso” by next Tuesday isn’t a realistic goal.) Celebrate each small victory to build confidence.
  5. Laugh It Off Sometimes, you just need to laugh at the absurdity of it all. (Seriously, who gave imposter syndrome a microphone?) Humor can be a powerful way to gain perspective and shake off doubts.

Remember, imposter syndrome is just a pesky hitchhiker on your creative journey.

It doesn’t define you or your worth.

Reader you’ve got the talent, the drive, and a community that believes in you.

Stay awesome and keep creating,

~ Mike Brennan

P.S. Yes, that shirt above is one of my designs. You can snag one here.

Listen to the Creative Chats podcast!

Creativity can be a lonely path. If we want to reach our full potential (and have a good time doing it), we Creatives need cheerleading and insights from our creative colleagues.

On the podcast, I speak with some of the best Creatives around about creativity and their process, and I share stories of Artists, Makers, and Content Creators. In fact, anything that will help you do your best work yet!

30-day back-to-school Writing Challenge

If back-to-school season makes you nostalgic for Lisa Frank folders, four-subject notebooks, and writing classes, the Back to School Writing Challenge, hosted by The Writing Desk, is exactly what you've been waiting for. Join your fellow writers for four weeks of writing prompts, advice on building stronger writing habits, and revision tips and tricks (plus some fun surprises along the way). It’s all happening via email, and we start on September 1! Enrollment is open now!


Begin to ask yourself these questions every day as a part of your daily creating rhythms:

1. What did I create today?

2. What did I learn?

3. What can I celebrate?


MONDAY: Use clay or plaster to sculpt a still life of your favorite objects.

TUESDAY: Use only ingredients that are a specific temperature to make a meal.

WEDNESDAY: Draw a picture of your favorite hobby or activity, using only pencil or charcoal.

THURSDAY: Create a mixed media piece using fabric, paper, and glue.


Imagine a world where time moves at a different speed in different places. Write a story about what life might be like in this world.

"I still sometimes feel like a loser kid in high school and I just have to pick myself up and tell myself that I’m a superstar every morning so that I can get through this day and be for my fans what they need for me to be."
~ Lady Gaga

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Daily Creative Habit

Are you a passionate Creator seeking inspiration, innovation, and consistency? Dive into a world where creativity, fun, and productivity intersect! Explore the joy of creativity and fun that can elevate your creations, and bring you results through actionable steps. Join the community at The Daily Creative Habit newsletter, where creators like you thrive. It’s packed with daily creative prompts, valuable resources, and inspiring content to enhance your craft. Also, discover your unique Creative Archetype with our bonus quiz. Let’s make fun and creativity not just a habit, but a way of life!

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