
Daily Creative Habit

Are you a passionate Creator seeking inspiration, innovation, and consistency? Dive into a world where creativity, fun, and productivity intersect! Explore the joy of creativity and fun that can elevate your creations, and bring you results through actionable steps. Join the community at The Daily Creative Habit newsletter, where creators like you thrive. It’s packed with daily creative prompts, valuable resources, and inspiring content to enhance your craft. Also, discover your unique Creative Archetype with our bonus quiz. Let’s make fun and creativity not just a habit, but a way of life!

Yoda: I Sense Much Fear in You
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Fear is a Lousy Compass...

Here’s How to Steer Your Creative Journey Hey Reader Fear is a lousy compass. I recently did a BIG move. Yep, from NJ to Nashville, TN. I spent some time journaling and reflecting recently, and I couldn’t help but think about all the interactions I’ve had with people during my move. I’m incredibly grateful for the support and well-wishes as I embark on this new chapter. As creators, we have the power to create—and sometimes, to recreate. Even a finger dipped in ashes can become a tool to...

Mike Brennan Daily Creative Habit

Recreation Hey Reader For the past several years, I’ve used my birthday (October 2nd) to launch things. Things like books, services, communities, and my podcast, Creative Chats. I like to use my birthday as a way to give back. To create projects in service to others like you. But this year is different. I realized a couple of weeks ago that my focus has been on my move from New Jersey to Nashville. I’ve lived amid boxes and… mess for months, which made it hard to see much beyond that state....

Your Nostalgia Just Called... Hey Reader Ever walk into a place and feel like you’ve stepped into a portal of pure nostalgia and inspiration? That was me at Rascal Salvage Vintage recently. The first thing I saw was a giant Falkor head from The NeverEnding Story. Cue instant childhood flashbacks! As I ventured further inside, I stumbled upon an oversized ET, a collection of View-Master reels, and a treasure trove of vintage toys and items. It was a smorgasbord of creativity, a curated haven...

Reader September is the best time to reignite your creative spark! The summer’s behind us, and there’s a fresh energy in the air – ideal for refocusing on those creative goals you’ve been meaning to tackle. If you’ve been waiting for the “perfect moment” to dive into your creative dreams, guess what? That moment is NOW! And I’ve got just the thing to get you started – our 15-Day Creative Challenge! Let’s break it down: 15 Days: That’s all it takes to jumpstart your creativity. Two weeks and a...

Time to Kick That to the Curb! Hey Reader Ever get the feeling that you’re just faking it and someone’s going to call you out? Yep, that’s imposter syndrome, and it’s a real jerk. (Seriously, who invited it?) But don’t worry, we’re going to talks some antidotes. Here are five ways to tell imposter syndrome where to stick it: Name and Shame Call out imposter syndrome when it shows up. (Hello, negativity, my old frenemy.) Just acknowledging it can help deflate its power. Track Your Wins Keep a...

(without even realizing it.) Hey Reader Ever feel that creative spark fizzle out before you even grab your tools? Yeah, me too. The pressure to create amazing things can be intense. But the truth is, sometimes the biggest roadblocks are internal – little voices in our heads that hold us back before we even begin. Let's talk about three sneaky saboteurs that can kill your creativity: Creative Saboteur #1: The Gatekeeper of Permission This inner critic loves demanding official approval before...

Out-of-this-world learning. Hey Reader I stumbled upon this really inspirational show called "Art Happens Here with John Lithgow" (Check out the trailer here). Picture this: John Lithgow (yeah, the dude from 3rd Rock From the Sun and a gazillion other things) willingly subjects himself to the horrors and joys of going back to school. And what's the catch? He's there to prove a point about the magic of arts education. From dance to ceramics, silk-screen printing to vocal jazz ensemble, Lithgow...

Reader Let's face it, your "ideas" folder is a graveyard for good intentions. Admit it, they're more like "maybes" gathering dust bunnies. Stop feeling accomplished for "thinking really hard" about that novel. It's time to graduate from the School of Procrastination (we've all been a star pupil at one time or another). Our 15-Day Creative Challenge is the rehab for dreamers. Just 15 minutes a day (that's less time than your daily scroll of pointless memes) and daily prompts to jumpstart your...

Over 4,380 pieces of art. Reader I'm celebrating! 🎉🎉 Today marks a significant milestone for me - 12 years of my personal daily creative habit! It's been 12 years of growth, breakthroughs, experimentation, and celebration. Along the way I discovered my voice and style as an illustrator. It's where the Daily Creative Habit process was born. And I couldn't have done it without the support of amazing communities I've been a part of. As I reflect on this journey, I'm reminded of the power of...

SMALL leads to BIG. Reader One of the things I’m always championing is the idea of starting small. It’s the first thing I mention in the Daily Creative Habit process that I teach. If you’re like me, starting small can be hard. You have BIG ideas. BIG dreams and goals. Everyone is always talking about taking BIG swings. We think we need BIG blocks of time before starting our creative project. And of course it requires a BIG budget. No one has to convince us of the value of BIG. We...